For all the Mimi's out there...
When we opened nearly two years ago I never thought that there would be THAT many Mimi's out there!
On day one our local Mimi (the sea swimmer who lives in the town but is originally from England) stood with her friends pointing over as the sign went up.
Since then there have been lots more of all ages, some called Mimi some nicknamed Mimi.
Yesterday we had our youngest Mimi she was around 8 years of age and she was in with her mum and sister. All from Holywood, County Down they've been following the shop for sometime but it was their first trip in. What impressed me most was Mimis excellent taste! She opted for a @vintage.painted.pretty handmade owl and @mistandmossireland wax melts as some of her treats.
Here are some Mimi pictures. The first being Mimi (mona) its her driving licence photograph from 1954 she would have been 33 here. The others are Mimis who let their photos be taken.
If you know any Mimis who might not know about us, tag them below or let them know about Mimi and her adventures by the Sea.

#mimibythesea #gifthomedream #mimis #manyofthem #sincedayone #vintagepaintedpretty #mistandmossireland #miminickname #miminame #tagyourmimi #mona #downpatrick #1954 #age33 #visitmourne #mournemountains #adventures #bythesea